DRIDE - Compare Book Travel


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About us:Tired of scrolling through multiple apps to compare and choose before booking the cheapest and quickest cab / auto / shuttle / bike taxi available? Use DRIDE, a travel app that will make the process of booking super fast and convenient. Just tap on DRIDE, and it will throw up all travel options offered by Ola, Taxi for sure, Uber, Meru cabs, Mega cabs, Easy Cabs, Zoom Car, Myles, Jugnoo auto, etc. on a single screen. Book at the lowest fares available across transport service providers, expect the shortest possible waiting time to board your ride, and all this at the click of a button.
Getting started: After downloading DRIDE and signing up using Facebook, Google, or using mobile number, simply open the app and book from the variety of options available and just get on it
Paying: For the time being, make payments in cash; we are soon coming up with DRIDE Wallet and Meter services.
Pre-scheduled bookings: If you do not want to go through the hassle of last minute bookings, just let DRIDE know in advance by clicking on “RIDE LATER” option. We will book the lowest fare cab available at that time and the cab will be waiting at your chosen location; you just need to get on it.
Coverage: DRIDE services are available across India. Get on it anywhere, anytime you wish.
Tracking and notifications: Real time GPS tracking of the cars when they are en route to you and your destination. DRIDE will issue all notifications regarding cab details, driver details, arrival time, expected travel time, bills, etc.
Availability: Available in all major cities of India - Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bhopal, Indore, Chandigarh, Gurgaon, Noida, Lucknow, Kanpur, Gwalior, Faridabad, etc.
Features:Compare and BookCab Booking Auto BookingTaxi BookingBike Taxi BookingCab PoolOutstation cab / taxi bookingDay hire cab / taxiAirport transfers
So get rid of multiple travel apps for figuring out your every day travel. Next time you need a conveyance, just install your travel app, DRIDE and GET ON IT.